High-Nutrient Mushroom Food Plots
SRA Mushroom
Stropharia Rugusa Annulata is native to North America and is very easy to grow on tree waste materials in nearly every climate, in virtually any soil, as long as it is shaded.
An established Mushroom Food Plot is nearly drought proof and grows prolifically, yielding up to 3 lbs per square foot.
SRA mushrooms are safe for people, and delicious to eat. You can safely enjoy any mushrooms the deer don't eat first, or grow some in the garden for yourself!
Nutrient-Dense Food
Mushrooms are a high protein and phosphorus food source that can produce up to 3 lbs of food per square foot annually. Deer have always eaten mushrooms for their nutritional value.
Creates Healthy Soil
Over time, mushrooms will break down the food plot into beautiful healthy soil, helping to restore your land.
No chemicals necessary
The only ingredients needed for your mushroom food plot are wood chips, straw, and Myco-Habitat mushroom spawn. No herbicides, pesticides, or soil additives are needed to grow a mushroom food plot.
Complements traditional food plots
Mushroom food plots provide alternative nutrients than plants used in traditional food plots can provide. Having both types of food plots can make your property a deer food destination.
NO Heavy Machinery required
Mushrooms grow best in shaded areas, and removal of trees, stumps, and other large forest growth is not necessary. Removing unwanted vegetation with a lawnmower or heavy rake is all that's needed to start your mushroom food plot.
Perennial growth with minimal upkeep
All that's required to keep your mushroom food plot growing for years is to add wood chips annually, and ideally add more Myco-Habitat mushroom spawn. Mushrooms will grow more plentiful after one or more years in the ground, with very minimal time and expense.